
Data Ethics Professional February 2024 Course Schedule

Starting on 27th February 2024, the course schedule is shown below.

Each topic consists of a self-directed learning component and a tutor supported webinar, which are expected to require approximately 2 learning hours respectively (4 hours total per week).

For any learner undertaking the Data Ethics Professionals certification, it is expected that this will require approximately 30 hours worth of learning time, spread across the programme. Please note, there are several dedicated weeks for working toward the certification at the end of the programme.

Time requirements:

It is expected that engagement across the programme will be approximately 60 hours: 

  • Self-directed learning: 15~ hours
  • Webinars: 12~ hours
  • Assessment: 30~ hours
We provide learners with a complete timetable prior to the course start. However in some instances dates and times may be subject to change.
Title Week Commencing

Welcome & Introduction to data ethics

26th February 2024

Foundations of ethical decision-making

4th March 2024

Ethics and Personal Data

11th March 2024

Ethics in Data Collection

18th March 2024

Bias and Fairness

1st April 2024

Transparency and Explainability

8th April 2024

Operationalising Data Ethics Assessment period begins

15th April 2024

Assessment period (no formal sessions)

22nd April 2024

Assessment period (no formal sessions) Submission at end of week

29th April 2024

Assessment Review & Feedback

6th May 2024

Outcomes Released

20th May 2024

Times are subject to change - bookings close on Monday 26th February 2024 at 12:00 (GMT).

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